There is a rat in my room. Everybody thinks my room is super clean because I have the impression of a person who thinks cleanliness is next to Godliness.
But I have a rat in my room.
Every night the rat comes out and bites on my foot. Sometimes, if it bleeds too much or pains too much, I wake up and apply some bandages to stop bleeding so that people think it is a minor injury. But now I have developed a high level of tolerance to pain. Now, small bites or bleeds do not wake me up. It is important that my image is maintained.
But I have a rat in my room.
I do not want to complain about it to any one, or call the sweeper, coz then, everyone will know about the rat, and people will know that I am not as clean as I claim to be.
But I have a rat in my room.
This story has nothing to do with the rising crimes in India.
Last line was a supurb satire. Liked it